Opinion: Trump’s Bold Move to Reclaim America: Securing Our Borders and Restoring Balance

Not even a week in office, Donald Trump is already making moves to take our country back for the better.

He has signed countless executive orders that mean a move forward for the better, but the one I’m particularly fond of involves securing our nation’s borders. After previous President Joe Biden let in millions of illegal immigrants that have since done harm to the U.S., Trump is ready to clean house.

After signing a number of orders – including an effort to end birthright citizenship for children that came from people who don’t have official documents to live here – Trump made it clear that he wants to resolve the ongoing border matter.

“All illegal entry will immediately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came,” he proclaimed shortly after being re-sworn back into office.

Get on Board

Hear, hear. But that doesn’t mean everyone is on board with the plan.

For instance, several Democratic governors have made it clear that they believe Trump’s plan has flaws. And what’s more, some have even said they will outright oppose it, oddly supporting illegal immigrants and migrants in favor of…their own people? Does this make sense to anyone else?

That said, it doesn’t appear that Trump is taking this situation lightly. According to a CNN report, a memo from the Justice Department revealed that it could very well prosecute state and local officials who resist taking part in the forthcoming federal immigration crackdown. 

Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove noted that anyone who doesn’t get on board with the program will face investigation and potential prosecution from the Justice Department.

The memo notes, and I quote, “Federal law prohibits state and local actors from resisting, obstructing and otherwise failing to comply with lawful immigration-related commands and requests. The U.S. Attorney’s Offices and litigating components of the Department of Justice shall investigate incidents involving any such misconduct for potential prosecution.”

Taking the Land Back

I know some people – many people – aren’t happy with Trump re-taking office. But you don’t see what I see – an opportunity to give this land back to our people.

Over the past few years, Biden has made a real mess of things. He messed with border policies so badly that anyone could literally walk in and do what they pleased. In fact, many immigrants have done so, even forming gangs and creating criminal empires out of apartment buildings. On our own soil.

And what do the Democrats want to do? Protect these people. Because they believe these criminals have as many rights as the citizens who are born here. I can assure you, they do not.

Are these people really going to look into a camera, after illegal immigrants such as these have assaulted or even murdered American citizens, and say they’re worth protecting? It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

Balance Is Needed

So, no, I don’t blame Trump working with the Department of Justice to put them in their place. Some see it as an act of cruelty (not my words), but the fact of the matter is that balance is needed right now.

Balance that stops busloads of migrants from being shipped across several states. Balance that doesn’t see millions of taxpayer dollars wasted to give them housing and jobs. Balance that simply gives this country back to the American people, as it should be.

And if some people want to stay, they can apply for citizenship. Plain and simple. Don’t gift them entry into our country, make them earn it. We have so many hard-working Americans out there who have pushed so hard to get the life they deserve, so why don’t newcomers do the same?

Working Together for a Better Country

It’s time to push aside the opposition and work forward, together, for a better country. And that means taking it back for the people that worked so hard to make it the great nation it used to be – and what it could be again.

Enough fighting. Let’s work together and make this a country to be proud of once more.

Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of InVest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience under his belt, hence his pro-police stance for his brothers and sisters in blue. Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website here.  

Michael’s latest book, Truth, Lies and Control: Finding Hope in an Upside-Down World, is available for purchase here.

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