Harris endorsement by "police leaders" group is really a bait and switch by radical liberal activists

Let's set the record straight, Fox News: “Police Leaders for Community Safety” is a far cry from a “leading law enforcement group” or “nonpartisan,” despite the headline. The group's recent endorsement of Kamala Harris for president is a stark contradiction to their name and a clear departure from the sentiments of rank-and-file police officers. 

On Monday, Fox News reported that “Police Leaders for Community Safety” endorsed Kamala Harris for president. This endorsement defies common sense and opposes the sentiments of rank-and-file police officers. 

The endorsement by political hacks follows the earlier this month endorsement of former President Donald Trump by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). The FOP represents over 325,000 men and women who serve in law enforcement. As the world's largest law enforcement media company, Law Enforcement Today also endorsed President Trump

The decision by the group of primarily retired police chiefs and sheriffs proves they are out of touch with rank-and-file police officers, who have watched Democrats, including Kamala Harris, side with criminals over those who protect and serve.

While Harris touts herself as having a record as a “tough prosecutor,” much of that was putting low-level marijuana dealers in jail for long periods. However, when it comes to real criminals, such as those who burned down a Minneapolis police precinct and assaulted police officers, Harris encouraged people to support a bail fund to let them out of jail. 

Harris also pushed to defund the police, using fancy language such as to “reimagine” police, but what it really meant was to divert resources FROM police officers to SOCIAL programs. This policy, if implemented, would have a detrimental impact on law enforcement. Harris also supported dismantling ICE, which is why an overwhelming majority of ICE officers and Customs and Border Enforcement officers support President Trump. 

Harris also routinely accused police officers of being “systemically racist” and has pushed to have more federal oversight of local police departments. 

Police Leaders for Community Safety is hardly a “leading law enforcement group.” It was formed in June in an apparent move to impact the 2024 presidential election. 

The group is anti-gun, buying into the rhetoric from groups such as the Brady Foundation, Moms Demand Action, Everytown, and other such groups. They support universal background checks and red flag laws. The group supports an “assault weapons” ban and regulating high-capacity magazines. Finally, the group buys into the CDC’s “research on gun violence,” which claims it so-called gun violence is a “healthcare crisis.” 

They also stealthily advocate defunding the police, with their website claiming “emergency calls to police are often mental health-related,” which is a narrative pushed by people like Harris who want to divert money away from the police and toward social justice programs, advocating “for alternatives to only having police respond to mental health calls.” This shift in focus from law enforcement to social justice programs clearly indicates their misplaced priorities. 

They claim “incidents of excessive police use of force shock the conscience of our nation,” again buying into the narrative that police are violent goons who go out on the street to beat people up. Instead of admitting that police use of force is justified in an overwhelming majority of cases, they instead focus on the small minority of cases where it is not. 

Of course, like all liberals, the group wants additional federal funding so its cohorts can participate in “nationally recognized leadership development and training programs,” such as the FBI National Academy. Because as we have seen, the FBI is the “epitome” of professional law enforcement agencies. In other words, this group of “police leaders” is trying to feather the nest of groups such as CALEA, the FBI National Academy, and others. 

Nothing says liberal, however, like pushing diversity through “new hiring and training standards for officers…to attract new types of recruits and increase diversity.” [emphasis added]

Local police departments only sometimes get involved in matters such as voting. However, our esteemed “police leaders” are all about the “peaceful transition of power,” as if that has never happened in our nearly 250-year history. In fact, it (the peaceful transfer of power) has happened during every election in the 248-year history of the United States.

If, in fact, the “police leaders” are sincere about wanting to ensure “fair and free elections,” perhaps they should speak to Kamala Harris about the Democrats’ refusal to ensure that illegal aliens…you know, people who broke the law and therefore are criminals…do not vote in our elections. A good starting place would be Arizona, where an estimated 98,000 illegal aliens are believed to have registered to vote in November’s election. 

The group of “police leaders” also wants to ensure “electoral processes are secure.” We are sure, therefore, that they are insisting on voter ID, no ballot harvesting, and no drop-boxes for elections since all three are rife with voter fraud. The woman they just endorsed–Kamala Harris–favors all of the above. 

So, who exactly are “Police Leaders for Community Safety?” One member of their national advisory board is Art Acevedo, who has left scorched earth wherever he’s worked. In just the last few years, Acevedo has worked in Los Angeles, Austin, Houston, Miami, and Aurora, Colorado.

His tenure in Miami was marked by controversy. He fired two high-ranking department officers and demoted others. He also had a contentious relationship with Miami’s city commission and was suspended after calling members of the council “the Cuban Mafia.” 

He also went behind the back of the commissioners by sending an eight-page memo to the city manager claiming interference by commissioners. He planned on having the FBI and United States Department of Justice investigate. 

Ironically, Acevedo got into an accident with his city-owned vehicle and failed to report it. The officers he fired, Commander Nerly Papier and her husband, Deputy Chief Ronald Papier, were terminated after she got into an accident, and Acevedo determined that they broke department rules. 

Acevedo was popular with most of the city officials he worked for, but officers under his command universally despised him. 

The Board of Directors also has some interesting people among its ranks. For example, the Chair, Susan Riseling, has extensive experience in academic law enforcement as Associate Vice Chancellor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where she also served as Chief of Police. As those of us in law enforcement are well aware, colleges and universities are incubators for woke leftist ideology, and Ms. Riesling’s background would seem to indicate she likely possesses some of that same mindset. 

In a press release announcing the Harris endorsement, Riesling made the following tone-deaf statement:

“This endorsement reflects Vice President Harris’ track record and unwavering commitment to public safety and the rule of law.” [emphasis added] 

“Rule of law?” Like allowing an estimated 10 million plus illegal aliens into the country unabated? That rule of law? 

Vice-Chair Rick Myers has a lot of experience as a police chief, bouncing around among eight agencies. Either he’s a nomad, or quite possibly, his employers don’t like keeping him around for some reason. Nonetheless, one of his “claims to fame” is “restoring community trust after the Trayvon Martin homicide” in Sanford, Florida. [emphasis added] You remember Trayvon…the one who beat up security officer George Zimmerman, who shot him in self-defense and was acquitted? 

 In endorsing Harris, Myers said:

“Too many politicians call themselves tough on crime and say they support law enforcement but then don’t have the courage to do what is right to keep us safe.” [emphasis added]

“Do what is right to keep us safe?” Like SECURING THE BORDER? 

Board member David Mahone, former Sheriff of Dane County, Wisconsin, said the following:

“Vice President Harris spent her prosecutorial career protecting people, supporting victims, and holding accountable those who have harmed others and betrayed the public trust.” [emphasis added]

“Betrayed the public trust?” “Supporting victims?” “Holding accountable?” Like the illegal aliens who have raped and murdered American women and children? Are their families being supported? Is she holding anyone accountable for letting these monsters into our country? 

The entire board of directors of this group of political hacks is utterly devoid of common sense. They all talk about keeping communities safe, but Kamala Harris’ record betrays all of that. We were a much safer country when Donald Trump was president. It is outrageous that these law enforcement “professionals” gaslight the public into believing Kamala Harris, who has been in office second only to Joe Biden for nearly four years, is going to make our communities safe. Their endorsement of Harris should hold as much weight as the "51 intelligence officials" who claimed Hunter Biden's laptop was a "Russian disinformation campaign." 

If one is looking to get an accurate picture of what is going on in the streets of our country, talk to those out there every day on the front lines dealing with it, like members of the Fraternal Order of Police. They are the ones dealing with the criminal gangs like Tren de Aragua and MS-13, whom Kamala Harris allowed into the country, unlike bureaucrats like the Leaders for Community Safety, who hide in the comfort of their offices. 

For us, we will take the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police every day of the week over an endorsement from officials who are not on the streets, putting their lives and physical safety on the line. And that endorsement is of President Donald J. Trump.

Art Acevedo HPD by LET is licensed under Screenshot: YouTube

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